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baba tree basket company
the baba tree basket company based in bolgatanga, aspires to a new model of ethical business that sees all of us as partners in an unfolding global transformation. this community of over 250 artisans has been preserving the culture of baskets and the gurunsi community in bolgatanga for the last 15 years by practicing a time-honoured weaving technique using elephant grass and their very own “rhythm and flow”. each basket comes directly from the hands of the artisan weavers themselves - energetic, colourful, purposeful. each luscious curve is the handprint or signature of the weaver who has expertly handcrafted your basket, the unique differences in each and every piece are celebrated.
driven by the idea that good design can and will change people’s lives, the baba tree basket company is committed to progressive creation of sustainable jobs, fair and meaningful work and true social impact in the local community. creativity, excellence, and craftsmanship paired with patterns, colors & natural materials are at the core of a beautiful and ethical brand.
location - ghana
materials - elephant grass
craft - traditional basket weaving

celebrating traditional crafts
"we focus on creating income earning opportunities for the gurunsi artisans & celebrating their incredible crafts(wo)menship"

new patterns, techniques and dye materials emerge over time as baba tree continue to innovate, evolve & understand better the elephant grass the weavers so exquisitely weave by hand

products and their evolution are never rushed to market, but slowly developed to be useful, beautiful & ethical.
baba tree's design and development team work closely with the master weavers to ensure the authenticity & incredible quality of all basketry

weekly workshops, skills training as well as the weavers own enthusiasm and innovation enable their basket mastery to be celebrated all over the globe
more about the material elephant grass & how to take care of their products.
discover our baba tree collection
all pictures in this article were taken from babatree's official website. illustrations made by yvonne rausch.
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